[[Image:Black-bread-ingredients.jpg|right|thumb|400px|ingredients in "Jubilee" bread from the Borisov bread factory]]
[[Image:Black-bread-ingredients.jpg|right|thumb|400px|ingredients in "Jubilee" bread from the Borisov bread factory]]
The most common bread in Belarus is dark and flavorful, tastes simply amazing.  Recipes are hard to find, though.  It's baked fresh in the local bread factory in each town every day.
The most common bread in Belarus is dark and flavorful, and tastes simply amazing.  Recipes are hard to find, though.  It's baked fresh in the local bread factory in each town every day.
Here's the ingredients label from a packaged loaf (as opposed to unwrapped loaves simply sitting on a shelf, which you can still see in some stores):
Here's the ingredients label from a packaged loaf (as opposed to unwrapped loaves simply sitting on a shelf, which you can still see in some stores):
Мука ржаная сеяная, мука пщеничная первого сорта (М36-27), солод ржаной сухой, вода, концентрат квасного сусла, пюре картофельное сухое, патока крахмальная, соль пищевая йодированная, дрожжи, тмин, кориандр.
Мука ржаная сеяная, мука пщеничная первого сорта (М36-27), солод ржаной сухой, вода, концентрат квасного сусла, пюре картофельное сухое, патока крахмальная, соль пищевая йодированная, дрожжи, тмин, кориандр.
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