<code>lsgit</code> is a script to list subdirectories which are git repositories, recursively, along with the branch or SHA1 of each.  It depends on /etc/bash_completion.d/git though for the __git_ps1 function.  (It would be better if I would find out the porcelain commands for that if possible, but I didn't.)
<code>lsgit</code> is a script to list subdirectories which are git repositories, recursively, along with the branch or SHA1 of each.  It depends on /etc/bash_completion.d/git though for the __git_ps1 function.  (It would be better if I would find out the porcelain commands for that if possible, but I didn't.) At least it's working on Linux and OSX (with git installed via [http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/ brew]).
Exception encountered, of type "Error"