Linguistic observation of the day

In Bicentennial Man the android gets the phrase "casting pearls before swine" wrong by using swans instead of swine. That got me thinking how swine got to mean the plural of pig, and I decided it must actually be the plural of "sow". Which brought up the idea that maybe in older English there was a pattern of pluralizing things that end in "ow" by replacing them with "wine". (I would even bet that it might be related to the practice of pluralizing things that end in "x" by replacing with "xen".) Anyway, there don't seem to be many words like this; doing the usual alphabetical search for possible consonants that might precede "ow" yields only "tow" as a likely candidate. But sure enough, we also have the word "twine". The final confirmation comes from this entry for "tow" in the online Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tow- spinning; akin to Old Norse tO tuft of wool for spinning, Old English tawian to prepare for use -- more at TAW Date: 14th century
1 : short or broken fiber (as of flax, hemp, or synthetic material) that is used especially for yarn, twine, or stuffing
2 a : yarn or cloth made of tow b : a loose essentially untwisted strand of synthetic fibers
It would seem to confirm this as an Old English practice.

Update 1/6/99:

A coworker read this and brought up "cow" as a counterexample. But it turns out it's not - the Old-English plural is "kine". But there may be other counterexamples. She also brought up "row", and my answer was that perhaps the Rhine river valley was so named for the rows of grape vines. But I haven't seen any confirmation of that yet. If "rhine" was ever the plural of "row" it's not in the dictionary now. OTOH if it was, then maybe there would be evidence of a French connection...

Update 2/5/99:

More about the history when I found this entry in everything:

Kine (?), n. pl. [For older kyen, formed like oxen, fr. AS. c, itself pl. of c cow. See Cow, and cf. Kee, Kie.]


"A herd of fifty or sixty kine."

Update 2/11/99:

Hans Franke writes the following to me in an email:

Sow == Sau (Female pig)
Swine == Schwein (pig)
And Rhein is belived to be based on the same root as Rain which means small lon patch of land / Border patch. Just keep in mind that English is just a Germanic variation with some French and Latin influence - as deeper you dig as closer they are - and also keep in mind that unified spelling for each of the variants is a way new invention...

I'm surprised so many people are reading this...